Cleaning and preparing LionFish

Handling Lionfish

The only proper way to handle lionfish is CAREFULLY!! Heavy gloves should be worn at all times when handling lionfish. This will also protect your hands from the irritation the fleshy tentacles on the head may cause. Hold the fish by its head to avoid all spines.

Cleaning Lionfish

The spines to be most mindful of are the long dorsal spines along the back of the fish. Begin removing the dorsal spines by cutting into the flesh along each side of the row of spines moving towards the tail.
After loosening the spines pry them off completely.
Remove the anal and pelvic spines by cutting from the base and remove the cartilaginous ventral fins.
These are not venomous. The scales on the Lionfish are quite small and easily removed in the usual way. Fillet the fish as usual.

With smaller fish, it would be simpler to remove the spines by snipping them with kitchen shears or clippers.

First Aid Procedures

Should you be stuck by a venomous spine, you should seek medical attention AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!
Check for any obvious pieces of spine left in the wound. Pre-treatment includes applying heat to the wound to prevent the venom from spreading. Hot water, as hot as one can tolerate (not more than 100—110°F), should
be applied directly to the wound for 15 to 20 minutes or an instant heat pack. Repeat if pain